Monday, November 1, 2010

Please Contribute to San Francisco State Wrestling Program

Being a champion in a combat sport is strenuous physically and mentally. I have been warrior in the Art of Wrestling ever since my childhood. Wrestling has been one of my biggest influences in my life. Wrestling has taught me discipline, hard work, dedication, focus, goals, and how to be grateful in life. With discipline I have grown to be a gentleman. With working hard to keep myself physically and mentally prepared for battle. With dedication, focus, and creation of goals I have learned how to become successful in my future life. Above all wrestling has taught me how to be grateful by the high I receive from getting my hand raised because of combining discipline, hard work, dedication, and focus. While Wrestling at San Francisco State University I have learned how to push my life into it’s fullest potential.
Being a college athlete at a four year University is a challenge. Keeping your body and mind together from the burdens of discovering how to create a future life away from nest in a state that 80 percent of Graduates do not have a job in their wanted field of employment. By donation to college athletic programs will help teach discovering boys and girls proper tools of how to a respectful achieving individual.
The sport of wrestling is struggling as much as our country and sate is unfortunately. I ask for your contribution to keep San Francisco State Wrestling Program at it’s fullest potential. Teaching this extra-curricular activity to young boys/ girls will help better our countries future by creating educated ladies and gentlemen.

Please contact: Mauricio Alexander Wright (Assistant Wrestling Coach at SFSU) via email if you 
will like help contribute to keep Sport/Art of Wrestling Alive in a University

Support Arts and Sports in all Levels of Academics

1 comment:

  1. zach, you will do great .you allready have your life together.i am very proud of you,and your Art is beautyful.
