Sunday, December 19, 2010

a look out that old window while playing monopoly

Our lives played out on such a simple board game. A game that is based on luck and the reward is so fake that it mimics our “Real Life.” We run around in circles chasing something that is evolving into imagination. As we imagine Santa is going to bring us gifts. Santa is the man in charge as our king. Our kings are false as they take living things and make machines. Santa is just another day to consume and buy toys that own us. We need more and more toys to feel better as a child needs there need to live from dependency. Make a machine that makes machines. A sensate group working towards preservation of life. Just follow the rules and all will be ok. Do not park wrong, do not play, do not steal, do not hurt, do not fight back, do not get off the track, do not pas go, do not collect 200 dollars. As we are stuck on someone’s monopoly making circle after circle as we spin through time and space. We are children of a lost cost. Just a machine born for production and reproduction. Our only freedom lies in free parking, and to have a stable comfortable life just play the game. Just sit back and enjoy show. Just sit back and enjoy the show, just let your mind let go. As we hide in our houses to escape the game that is the eventual plan. We don’t fight back because we are just so tired, so tired from all these rules keeping us caged in. We will gain flight if just fight as become as the birds we dream to be.
Red light green light as we stop and go on our little tracks of life like the ants we kill. We are becoming empowered in the means of something so small to our interest. Ants work with a system of receiving and giving through signals sent from the nest. We have our smart phones to think for us as we give our living body to our queen and our soles become lost in space. Red hotels are constructed as our money inflates. Luxury tax breaks the rich and the poor suffer the cost of rent. We all go round and round on this track of monopoly. Two=dimensional shapes depict our every move, as these signs become our three dimensional lives. A flat world without the brave to sail away but it will be done in Hollywood, the land of the gods.  
Our currency is evolving with our idocracy. As the game monopoly evolves into simplicity as we shut our minds off. Just swipe the card and let it go.
Becoming more and more like machines as we pump chemicals into our veins. Disposing our waste into a recycling clinic as a cow is fed his brothers and sisters. We eat ourselves as we run around this wired racetrack. Free parking is our way to Graceland, as our lives will never experience fear. I am talking about true fear not scared like the feeling when you see the referee in this tiny game, with our tiny lives, on this tiny world I behold myself upon.
I become numb from lack of fight. I have no great war, no great triumph, no true pain, my teachers followed the rules before me and I shall do the same to survive in this game. We are all bricks in the wall. As our power dissipates into mindless decisions with child like size and colors surrounding us. Our bodies step back in time because we are all number one so why even try.
An extra large red shirt stares into his freedom of an extra large. Symbols of red plague my mind as my stars disappear into two-dimensional street light. My world is becoming as flat as the game or my god television. We are so pathetic but our strength in force is un-parralled as our front lines become un-manned. It is so easy to end lives without actual human contact. We dissipate away from each other as our houses are built and we make our walls higher. Please just let me be with my televisions, my microwave, and my toaster. I don’t want to try anymore for a cause that is not meant for me. Land on chance and maybe disappear for a few hours. Back to the world of our monopoly as the roll of the dice depicts our life.
Times begin to change as our dice roll is put into an automated system. A system that truly gives the power of god to one. The power to give a chance to Graceland. As coin turns to dollar to credit, as man goes from adventure to philosopher to un-wanted soldier ready to be fired. There is just so many working, working to buy things that make them feel good. Things we own end up owning us but we are based for our senses in this democracy. We are dependent for help because our minds become weaker and weaker as our lives are developed to read the colors of the board game as a child reads a book. Our lives are like a child’s book with oversized buttons, over easy transportation, over easy hunting, would you like your mind over easy with your underused life.
Can’t forget to hit spell-check because I can’t write and I can’t type. God forbid I should get a college education unless if have the proper funds to make it to Graceland. Or should I say my life I was born into. Just follow the rules and no one will bother you on this book of life called monopoly.
Money is my forced god as I make my way to perdition as Adam and Eve before me. Look at how far we came. Just sit down and enjoy the show and thy will be he they want to be. 

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